Roles in RecWise

Automating your reconciliations through RecWise not only streamlines the process but also ensures your team is working at full efficiency.

RecWise offers a solid framework and user-friendly interface, simplifying the reconciliation process for various users and ensuring smooth compliance with financial regulations.


If everything is up to the mark, Reviewers will certify the reconciliation. Errors can be managed and sent back to the Preparer quickly for rework. Reviewers can also identify outstanding recs that need to be validated or certified.


Preparers add necessary supporting documents to their assigned reconciliations while ensuring accuracy in the process until completion. Once a reconciliation is ready, Preparers move it forward for review/certification.

Power User(s)

Similar to an Administrator, Power Users can load balances for a specific group of accounts and manage limited fields within the application. Useful where business units are dispersed globally and you may want to provide them with the ability to load trial balances as you chase the sun.


Administrators ensure the smooth operation of the reconciliation process. They can create reconciliations, manage the month-end timetable, send notifications and assign user roles.

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