Frequently Asked Questions

No, however, it is on a cloud, and whilst this may mean there are some additional cloud costs, these can be negotiated with your provider

Security is a major concern for all companies. By opting for our on-premise product, you can eliminate the uncertainty of supplier breaches and potential non-disclosure. Our security is seamlessly integrated with your Active Directory service. We also do not store any Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Additionally, a small add-on service can be purchased if you use OKTA as a security provider. We also provide out-of-the-box two-factor authentication.

Upgrades are provided as part of the annual subscription. We release upgrades generally half yearly in April and October. These are recommended to be implemented; however, you do have the choice not to update. It is important to note that we don’t just release an upgrade, we work alongside you to choose a suitable time and a suitable path to follow.
As browsers, such as Google’s Chrome and Microsoft’s Edge, can update and change sporadically without notice, it is always wise to upgrade our software annually to ensure cohesion.

We also provide a free test environment to all new and existing customers. This allows customers to trial new functionality and observe how they’re able to improve the process and run mock month-ends. These tests can ensure customers are happy with the functionality of the program before upgrading.

Training is simple, we collaborate with you to select a suitable day and time. Training is provided by a Webinar typically provided through Microsoft Teams.

Supporting documentation also is embedded in the application and allows for users to reference key points or browse at a suitable pace.

Further support can be reached at support@recwise.com.


Our dedicated team will implement global and local solutions efficiently and within a timeframe that sees you operational and reaping the benefits within 10 business days when all the required data is available.

Utilizing one of the nearly twenty autocomplete rules can assist you in working smarter and not harder. Each reconciliation can have a rule applied. What this means is that if you have a static balance for a reconciliation, you can simply add in a suitable rule. If the rule is met, then the preparer of the reconciliation along with the reviewer, and optional approver, don’t need to action the reconciliation.

However, we don’t want the users to be complacent so you can also add in an interruption in quieter periods should you want the users to complete a reconciliation anyway.

Autocomplete rules for some customers make up to 95%+ of their reconciliations done and dusted by running the rules and not having to have valuable resources committed to mundane reconciliations.

The application is supported throughout its lifecycle with some customers still choosing to use older versions as they know the software is built to perform. If you have a question or an urgent issue that needs attention, we always recommend you call us directly.

If it can wait 24 hours, then we suggest an email at support@recwise.com, and we will get back to you in a timely manner to resolve the issue

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